
Who Is Stephen Burke Of The University Of Kent At

who is stephen burke of the university of kent at

HoBo: Events

22 - 24 March 2012
St Anne's College, Oxford

Conference presented by Bodleian Libraries, Centre for the Study of the Book

The territorial and temporal map of the dissolved collections
CHAIR: Richard Ovenden, Associate Director, Bodleian Library, Oxford
The political and economic context that led to the phenomenon of monastic dissolution -- mapping the different territorial processes in a longue durée perspective
Fiorenzo Landi, Professor of Economic History, Università di Bologna: The dissolution of monasteries in Europe an overall look and the economic implications
Richard Sharpe, Professor of Diplomatic, University of Oxford: The consequences of an early dissolution: the English experience in the sixteenth century and after

Different ways of breaking up monastic libraries: confiscation, destruction or clandestine removal of books
Rudolf Gamper, Librarian, Kantonsbibliothek Vadiana, St. Gallen: From Reformation to Säkularisation: the dissolution of religious houses in Switzerland and the fate of their libraries Martin Germann, Zuürich: Zurich and the books of the monasteries: from the Reformation to the 19th century.
Mariía Luisa Loópez-Vidriero Abelloó, Librarian, Biblioteca del Palacio Real, Madrid: Dissolved monastic collections in Spain from Philip IIs suppression to the 19th-century Desamortización
Tuomas Heikkilaä, Assistant Professor of History, University of Helsinki, Finland: The Scandinavian situation, including the effect of the Thirty Years War in Germany
Jeffrey Garrett, Assistant Librarian for Special Libraries, Northwestern University: The expropriation of monastic libraries in Central Europe, 17731814

State policy toward book collections
CHAIR: Ian Maclean, Professor of Renaissance Studies, University of Oxford
Different approaches of government policy towards the dissolution of monasteries. Were governments aware of the library treasures and of their patrimonial or cultural value?
Dorit Raines, Dep. Studi Umanistici, Università Ca' Foscari, Venice: From predator to prey: The Venetian librarian Jacopo Morelli under Venetian, French, and Austrian governments, 1778-1819
Vincenzo Trombetta, Professor of the History of the Book, Università di Salerno: La politica delle soppressioni e i nuovi poli bibliotecari a Napoli tra regalismo illuminista e Restaurazione, 1767-1815
Luiís Cabral, Librarian, Câmara Municipal do Porto: State policy concerning the dissolution of monastic book collections in Portugal, esp. during the 19th century
Marie Pierre Laffitte, Dep. MSS, Bibliotheèque Nationale de France, Paris: Napoleon and the sequestration of Italian monastic book collections

Sequestration, redistribution, or contribution to the foundation of public libraries
CHAIR: Kristian Jensen, Head of Arts and Humanities, The British Library, London
Dissolution from the perspective of libraries--How did the dissolution contribute to the opening of new public libraries or influence the contents of those already established?
Jos A. A. M. Biemans, Curator of MSS, Amsterdam University Library: The 1578 foundation of the library due to the confiscation of Catholic book collections Emmanuelle Chapron, Maîre de conferences, Histoire moderne, Université Aix-en-Provence: Libraries and dissolved monastic collections in Tuscany from Pietro Leopoldo to Napoleon
Marina Venier, Dep. Rare Books, Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Roma: Andreina Rita, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vatican City, La dispersione delle biblioteche degli ordini religiosi a Roma, dalla prima Repubblica romana (1799) a Roma capitale del Regno d'Italia (1873)
Marek Derwich, Professor of History, Wrocaw University & Oleh Duch, Faculty of History, University of Lviv (Ukraina): The dissolution of monasteries in Silesia and Poland (with contemporaries Belorusse, Lithuanie and Ukraine) and the fate of their libraries, 18th19th centuries

Migration of books, access to new publics
CHAIR: Kasper van Ommen, Coordinator Scaliger Institute, Leiden University
Journeys from religious to secular reading -- changes in reading habits -- new reading publics
Antonella Barzazi, Dep. Storia, Università di Padova: Migration and re-use in the development of Italian religious collections (late 16th - 18th century)
Bart op de Beeck, Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique, Brussels: Jesuit libraries in the Southern Netherlands, their eighteenth-century holdings, and the dispersion after 1773
Javier Anton Pelayo, Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona: The secularization of books and the change in the habit of reading in Catalonia during XVIIIth and XIXth centuries
Bettina Wagner, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich: 1803 secularization in Bavaria and the book auctions of 181550

Impact on book trade and the emergence of private collections
CHAIR: Giles Mandelbrote, Librarian, Lambeth Palace
What was the impact of the massive flow of books and manuscripts into the market? -- The emergence of a new type of collector
Dominique Varry, ENSSIB, Lyon: French book trade after the Revolution [provisional]
Marino Zorzi, Istituto Veneto di lettere, scienze ed arti, Venice: The 19th-century book trade in Venice [provisional]
Richard Linenthal, Antiquarian bookseller: Monastic collections and the 19th-century English book trade
William Stoneman, Florence Fearrington Librarian of Houghton Library, Harvard University: North American collection building: gathering monastic books from long ago and far away

TOOLS FOR RESEARCH SESSION: Presentation of databases which allow for the reconstruction of dispersed collections: such as Medieval Libraries of Great Britain (MLGB3), Material Evidence in Incunabula (MEI), Index Possessorum Incunabulorum (IPI), and CERL Thesaurus.

CHAIR: Nigel Palmer, Professor of Medieval German Literature, University of Oxford

Organised by:
Cristina Dondi, Dept. Modern Languages, University of Oxford, Secretary of CERL
Dorit Raines, Dep. Studi Umanistici Universitaà Ca' Foscari, Venice
Richard Sharpe, Prof. of Diplomatic University of Oxford

Conference website: http://www.bodley.ox.ac.uk/csb/MigrationofKnowledge.htm

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