Where Did The Polish People Come From
where did the polish people come from
Where does Law come from ? Who's law must prevail?
If we begin with an excursion into 'Hobbes Land'....Thomas would have us start any investigation of social situations with what he called the 'state of nature'..... which is basically a state of war and characterized by fear and/or arrogance.In the aftermath of world war 2, one of the most challenging issues was how to treat former SS members and others who had fulfilled their duties to the letter, and thus were acting entirely legally within their social and political context.
It's so easy to judge such people, specially when 'we' won the conflict. Winners are grinners they say... but during the trial of some SS officers and men at Dachau, it turned out that the Americans had committed many of the same types of things they were accusing the SS of.
One personality who stands out from this time is one "Joachim Peiper" a decorated SS officer, who was tried and sentenced to death by hanging. His story is quite fascinating, as he was clearly an excellent soldier as soldiers go, though in examining his trial, the thing which stood out to me was his bearing and dignity.
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He was not a slob like Goering, or a weasel like Himmler, but a very impressive person. During the trial, he was said to have ordered as follows: "Take no prisoners and show no pity to the Belgian civilians." Presumably those civilians would be any who seemed sympathetic to the allies.
The point this blog wishes to make, is that the Belgians are no different to the Germans, and the Belgian colonial history in Africa is no better than the activities of the SS in their concentration camps. For example.. King Leopold II
In 1903, Roger Casement, working on behalf of the British government, wrote a powerful expose of the conditions that African rubber collectors had to endure. His descriptions (and accompanying photographs) of the mutilations inflicted by Leopold's employees on Africans to make them produce more rubber shocked the world and forced the king to hand control ofhis colony over to the Belgian government (which, however, continued to use forced labor).Poland; a Study of the Land, People, and Literature
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Georg Morris Cohen Brandes
So before we launch out too far against people like Peiper, it's to our advantage to reflect on the nature of human beings no matter what race or political flavor. This is especially so when trying to work out under what 'law' people like Peiper should be tried?
Even a Jewish source has this to say of the trial:
Hearsay testimony was allowed and affidavits could be submitted by witnesses who did not appear in the courtroom and thus could not be cross examined by the defense. In some of the proceedings at Dachau, the prosecution witnesses were paid to testify. Some of the accused were not permitted to testify in their own defense. Thus the outcome of the Malmedy Massacre proceedings was never in doubt.
It's also worth noting that the chief interrogator for the allies was Lt. William Perl who was Jewish and according to the video, had engaged in illegal (Geneva Convention) practices to get convictions/admissions.
The trials of the Malmedy massacre perpetrators was held at Dachau, due to it's close connection to the immensity of the slaughter of people.
But which people were there? According to this Wikipedia article as follows:
Before the war the biggest groups of inmates were Germans, Austrians, and Jews. During the War the biggest groups were, in order of size; Poles, Russians, French, Yugoslavs, Jews, and Czechs.
The conclusion this blog draws is that whether it's the British committing atrocities in India or China to protect their 'drug business' (Opium) or the Belgians in Africa, or the French in Indo China, or the Americans forcing the Japanese to open their country to trade (Commodore Perry 1854)
This blog is inclined to agree with Saul of Tarsus who wrote :
"There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, 23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
Fortunately for mankind, the next verse provides some hope:
24 and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. 2
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