How Can Apologize To My Sister With Gift
how can apologize to my sister with gift
heart and 9 and an apology
day 9...
i remember when i first started this blog, i had no idea what blogs even were.
i really had to learn by trial and error.
i started following the blogs of some of my favorite artists first.
i remember there was often talk of "blog etiquette" and the do's and don'ts.
one of the big no no's was posting others work and not giving them credit...
or even worse, posting their work and taking credit for it yourself.
"who in the world would ever do that?" i thought to myself. how awful!
well, guess what?
years later...I DID JUST THAT!!!
and here i am on my blog admitting that
i can't believe i did this...but i did!
so, forgive me but i HAVE to tell the story.
you'll notice a really neat photo of raining blown glass HEARTS...
that i "THOUGHT" i had taken a few years back at the scottsdale arts festival.
well...actually "these" are the neat blow glass HEARTS that i discovered...
pretty awesome right? love the wings!
THESE beauties..are actually blown glass HEARTS taken by
i had remembered these really neat HEARTS when i posted that 3rd day and i skimmed through my many many photos of HEARTS that day and just quickly posted the first glass HEARTS that i found. the problem is that
and i took credit for it. needless to say, kate was a bit surprised
when she came to visit and see all the HEART love going on here.
gently she wrote to me of my mishap and how grateful i am that she did.
i was, of course, mortified!
kate is an amazing photographer and is about to open her etsy store soon.
"her" raining HEARTS are one of the pieces that she will be selling
and she didn't want folks out there to think she "stole" my photo.
ironic...right! i'm the silly one who does that!
and even though i hijacked her beautiful photo...kate was still so generous in
sharing her HEART and seek finds with here we go
isn't this beautiful?
she left her HEART in san francisco...(sorry i couldn't resist.)
love this one too! look at the golden gate bridge in the HEART!
the next two are photos of natural hot springs..
both of these hot springs were found in the shape of...
you guessed it...HEARTS!!!
isn't nature amazing.
a HEART tree could you not take a picture on this chunk of love?
and finally to go along with our cup of love shots yesterday...
kate's latte love!
thank you sweet kate for being so understanding.
i am so sorry for breaking blog etiquette with your beautiful photo.
tell her the HEART thief sent you!!!
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