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Lawyers in Hell |
Posted on | February 14, 2012 | No Comments
From Kerlak Publishing: Heaven lays down the law and Hell gets more Hellish in Lawyers in Hell, marking the return of Heroes in Hell(tm), the greatest shared universe of all times. The Commandments weren't merely suggestions – and there were over three hundred of them.
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Hephaestus Books And now, as the Higher Powers send auditors through the underworlds to dispense yet greater injustice, heroes and villains from all of history are about to be reminded that sin doesn't pay … and in Hell, neither does virtue:
…Satan gives an interview and hands down a terrible judgment.
…Alexander the Great and Lawrence of Arabia try to get a soldier off the hook.
…Caesar and Cleopatra seek an out-of-court settlement when Hell's auditors come calling.
…Leonidas and the 300 face a Hot Wash in Hades.
…Che Guevara and Kurt Cobain find out you can't love the bomb.
…Rasputin tells it like it is, and deeper damnation is the result for Marie Antoinette.
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Hephaestus Books
…Napoleon and Wellington go high-tech in order to fight Hell's demons.
…Harry Houdini finds there's no escape.
All this and more peril in Perdition await in 22 tales that will make you fear for your immortal soul…
Including the diabolical works of:
Janet Morris * Richard Groller * Nancy Asire * CJ Cherryh
Edward McKeown * Bruce Durham * Michael Armstrong
Allan Gilbreath * Michael H. Hanson * Kimberly Richardson
Deborah Koren * Larry Atchley, Jr. * Sarah Hulcy * David L. Burkhead
Chris Morris * Scott Oden * John Manning * Michael Z. Williamson
Jason Cordova * Leo Champion * Bradley H. Sinor
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